The Challenge

ORIGIN Exterminators initially faced several key challenges, including stiff competition for digital presence in Singapore's vast pest control market. They urgently needed to expand their online visibility to cater to an increasingly internet-savvy audience.

Moreover, their website was not optimized for conversions, resulting in missed opportunities with a significant volume of untapped website traffic. Addressing this, they also faced SEO-related issues, hindering their organic traffic potential. The ultimate goal was to establish a robust conversion pipeline by attracting high-quality organic website traffic and converting these prospects into new business.

Additionally, ORIGIN grappled with costly leads and low lead quality from their paid campaigns. Their reliance on organic leads pushed them to seek an enhanced SEO and content marketing strategy to improve their organic rankings and gain a competitive edge.

Lastly, the separation of their marketing and sales teams hindered their mission. They needed a comprehensive solution to boost traffic, leads, and revenue while streamlining marketing and sales efforts.


In response to these challenges, Straight Growth proposed strategic solutions:


Enhanced Digital Presence:

To counter the competitive digital landscape, we recommended a comprehensive approach to bolster ORIGIN Exterminators' online presence. 


Comprehensive SEO Strategy:

We devised a robust SEO and content marketing plan to tackle website optimization issues. This strategy aimed to improve organic rankings and increase high-quality organic traffic.


Optimizing Paid Campaigns:

To address high CPL and low lead quality from paid campaigns, we suggested refining targeting and ad creatives. This shift toward quality over quantity aimed to enhance the efficiency of advertising efforts.

62.98 %
Increase in leads one year after site optimization

130 %
Increase in qualified non-paid website traffic

63 %
Increase in deals creation from online marketing

The Result

Success Story Shaped by Straight Growth.


Digital Dominance:

ORIGIN Exterminators' online presence surged, resulting in a 75% increase in website traffic.



CPL dropped by 40%, while lead quality improved significantly in paid campaigns.


Mission Achievement:

Enhanced industry standing allowed them to protect more people and enhance even more lives.


Unified Excellence:

HubSpot integration resulted in a 45% increase in lead conversion rates.

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